Madame Marissa is the undisputed queen of trampling. She loves to do it barefoot because for her, it is exercise to her feet and punishment to the recipient at the same time. Whenever she notices something wrong, however small and mundane, she used the chance to trample and crush her slave. That is what she did today when her slave accidentally broke a plate. She crushed him and jumped on him without seeing that the punishment did not fit the crime.
Sexy blonde in jeans, Teodora starts torturing this fat slave with trampling. She stands with her full weight on his fat, doughy stomach and digs her sexy bare feet and toes into his belly. She steps back and forth and forces her full weight down on his body to dominate and humiliate him and all he can do is just lie there and take it. He would take any abuse to be close to her.
Nicolina is a pretty blonde, dominating slut in a short, tight, black dress. Her milky white skin looks flawless as she steps on this loser slave with her pretty but deadly bare feet. She digs her sexy toes into his stomach while pressing down with her full weight. She loves humiliating her slave like this and the more she punishes him the more he likes it because at least she is touching him.
Sonya, Stacey and Joss wore santa clothes. But that did not stop them from being cruel bitches. They trampled a girl slave with their bare feet and made her wince and cry out in pain
Alexandra, Candy and Aurora wanted to know what their slaves feel when they trample them. So they decided to trample each other and know exactly how these slaves feel. That way, they will know how to trample better
Aurora decided to trample the slave's chest and also jump on it. She was trampling him and doing exercise at the same time. The slave winced and groaned in pain but she ignored it and continued her trampling
Gia, Teodora, Emily and Kourtney are trampling queens. They like to torture their slaves and this time round, they decided to concentrate fully on trampling their cocks and balls because that is where the most pain is
Kourtney tramples her slave while wearing her lingerie. That way, he will feel the pain of the trampling and smothering, but then he will like and enjoy the fact that she shows a lot of skin
Aurora is a cruel mistress and today she was torturing her slave. She made him lie down on the sofa and she trampled his face with her high heels till his face was all red and in pain
They wore santa dresses but unlike the activities santa does, these mistresses were trampling and humiliating their slave. They did not want her to have fun and be happy. Rather, they wanted her to cry out in pain